When disputes arise you often have a very short space of time within which to take action. We explore the best solution for you, map out a clear and cost-effective way forward, and then move rapidly to achieve resolution.
Hundreds of clients have used our negotiating skills to settle their disputes, preventing them reaching the courts. Where you do need to go to court or tribunal to settle a dispute, we will guide you carefully through the process. Our focus is on providing good value advice (fixed fee advice is available).
Examples of our areas of expertise include:
Breach of contract
Negligence - including professionals such as solicitors, accountants, surveyors, architects, and dentists.
Debt recovery for individuals and businesses.
Fraud related litigation including confiscations and Proceeds of Crime issues.
Property related claims.
Claims against Local Authorities and public bodies.
Intellectual property disputes.
Trust claims.
Inheritance claims.
Insurance claims.
Mediation/Alternative Dispute Resolution.
We will take the time to meet with you in person and work to understand your business and its objectives when it comes to resolving your business commercial dispute. The sooner you talk to us, the greater chance we have of reaching a quick, cost-effective resolution, so your business reputation is protected and you can carry on growing your venture.